When using web copy protection software the last thing that you ever want to hear is that it is either discontinued or that it is now incompatible with the latest web browsers and/or web servers.
How many times have we seen this happen? Unless you are new to "copy protection" you may have noticed that it has happened in every case but one. Over the last 20 years, since copy protection was introduced to the Internet in 1998 by ArtistScope, every other web protection solution has either fallen flat on its face or its developers have disappeared after living it up on public funding.

The copy protection industry has attracted a lot of new startups with the sole intention of profiting from the stock market and public funding. They of course have all met their fate and usually within the expected 2 years given for mismanaged or weak business models.The ever changing Internet can be a cruel task master as one day a software solution can work well only to be undermined by the next release of Windows or changes to popular web browsers. Keeping abreast of those changes is a full time and ongoing. Protection solutions need to be uneatable and controllable to prevent outdated versions from  exposing earlier versions that may have been undermined or stranded by the web environment of the day. Only one copy protection provider has survived, and it is the one that invented copy protection in the first place. Their motivation was for the protection of the livelihood of artists on the web and it is that motivation and dedication that has driven them to succeed where all others have failed.

Today ArtistScope provide a range of copy protection software to cater for all media and all scenarios, and those solutions just so happen to provide the most secure copy protection and DRM on the planet. Their PDF security software can be used on the desktop with the most secure DRM that enables total control over all aspects and immediate effect on any changes made. Their PDF protection is the only secure solution that can be displayed from web pages. Their video protection is similarly robust and the only secure solution that can be displayed on web pages. Their web site protection is incomparable to anything else because there is no other solution that can be compare to it.

So why settle for less and why support copy-cats that cannot live up to their claims or last the distance?