When one does a search for "PDF Security Software" and "Web Copy Protection Software" the results are, from my point of view, far from satisfactory, because none do what I need and that is "protect PDF from copy" !!!
None of them protect PDF from all copy at all. So why do these companies recommend their solutions for protecting PDF? I think that what we are looking at is a lot of software vendors with weak solutions claiming that their software does EVERYTHING in the hope of getting traffic for all keywords that might be used in search. And thanks to Google Adwords reports and a plethora of SEO keyword apps, that is just what happens. They get a list of the commonly used search strings and then inundate their own product pages with those keywords, whether they apply to their product or not. Well Google seems to have crippled a lot in their strive for "quality of search" but how come they still recommend solutions that fall way short?
On the first page of results I see 3 results that use different domain names but still point to the one web site. Well they must be the worst link spammers of the bunch, because not only do they have their site listed as #1 result but their 2 other domain sites are on the first page as well. And yes, they also appear for web content protection even though they do not have a solution for web protection at all. Yes, they might protect PDF but they cannot protect PDF displayed on a web page and they cannot protect anything on a web page. Sure they did have a web page protection solution, but that wasn't very effective or useful, and today it cannot be used at all because modern web browsers no longer support browser plugins.
So all we are really seeing in search results is "link juice"... false advertising and the promotion of keywords that do not apply to their products. We have seen that elsewhere with WordPress plugins where developers have plagiarized "no-right-click" plugins and rebranded them as their own just to draw attention to their own services such as web hosting and web development. In fact I have come across a lot of link spam for one that claims itself good for "content protection" when all it does is, that's right, another disable right mouse click script which has been around for 20 years.
Do the developers of those PDF security software solutions think that everyone is that stupid? Do they really expect users to trust what they claim and buy their software when so much that they claim is untrue?
Maybe one day a Google robot will email them and say "well I tried to download your software but couldn't find a download link for what you advertised on your web page", or "I found software to protect PDF but where is the software to protect web content?".
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