If distributing tutorials in the form of PDF or videos via a network of affiliates who will be displaying your media on a pay by view basis, you will need to manage that distribution and be able to log usage to bill each affiliate. To effectively do that you need two ingredients, one being an iFrame and two, an effective website protection software.

The website protection software is needed to encrypt the media so that it can be domain locked to a web page, and unless you want all of your affiliates to arrange independent and separate licensing to display that protected media on their web site, you need an iFrame. Then your affiliates can display your iFramed web page on their web pages and their visitors will be none the wiser while you can log and track usage to each affiliate. On your iFrame web page you can check referrer, etc, to ensure that only approved sites can display your page and also log usage.

The significance of using website protection software, especially solutions like CopySafe Web, CopySafe PDF and CopySafe Video is that those copy protection solutions encrypt the media to use domain lock by which the media cannot be displayed or used on other websites except your own. Possibly the most significant feature of those apps is that they are the only copy protection solutions that can be displayed on web pages today due to the inability of modern web browser support for real (NPAPI) browser plugins. The significance of using an iFrame is that your affiliates do not need to license the website protection software that you are using because all they have to do is request your web page via an iFrame on their web site.

Ok, so your question is now how to code that iFrame? And the answer is quite simple and easily understood if you understand how copy protection works. It is not rocket science but if you think, like most web developers do, that by reading online that the user doesn't actually download the media, then you need to consult the people who know copy protection the best.

ArtistScope provide the most secure copy protection solutions for all media and their website protection software is way beyond comparison to anything else available today. Whether you want to copy protect PDF, copy protect images, copy protect video or copy protect all web media and data, ArtistScope has the perfect solutions backed up with support for use on the desktop and online from your web site in all popular CMS. 
So if in need of consultation or the development of a custom solution for the copy protection of your project, contact ArtistScope.