It is little wonder that anyone can find any worthwhile solution when searching for website protection software, because all that a web search returns is results for anti-virus software that is supposed to prevent web sites from being hacked. So if you are looking for website copy protection software then it is likely that you will not find anything suitable at all.

Anti-virus software is big business and they have spent a lot on promoting their keywords to include "hack prevention" and "website security" when in actual fact, the most useless method for preventing web site hacks is installing anti-virus software on a server. Sure, it may be useful for scanning files that may have been uploaded by outside users, but even then it is a useless concept when all one has to do is ensure that read and write permissions on the website folders are set correctly and file types are sensibly limited. Website owners wasting their time and money installing anti-hack software have no idea of where the real threat comes from, as it is their naivety that provides the holes in their security. Using anti-virus and anti-hack software to take care of their carelessness is not a solution when all they need to do is follow recommended guidelines for ensuring that files that received uploaded files do not have execute permissions on them and that the write permissions are restricted to trusted users.

How hackers and spammers inject code and add web pages to your web site is through open doors... avenues left open to them by carelessness. If they can upload any file that they like and then be able to execute that file, they will have gained the means of executing code on your site and perhaps even on the server. So by limiting the file types that are allowed to upload via whatever upload scripts that use, you can prevent such hacks. The same applies to database records. By preventing changes to database structure and sanitizing all avenues that a user can send commands to the database, you can prevent data breaches.
Most web sites today use a CMS like WordPress which already includes checks and security measures to prevent hacks, but it is still up to the site owner to check write permissions on upload folders, and to research any third party plugins before installing them because while those plugins are vetted when first registered with WordPress, not every update is checked so updates can introduce security holes as they undergo changes during their development.
Using a good website copy protection software like the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) will further enhance your website security by making it impossible to access copy protected pages by preventing indirect access and view of page source code to locate scripts and media folders.
