A common problem encountered by authors that use PDF security software is that when it comes to selling ebooks online that none of the online book stores can cater for copy protected ebooks. Sure, some online book stores offer a form of protection for their ebooks but their methods do not extend any protection beyond delivery of the ebook to the customer after a sale. So any authors using real copy protection software could be marooned if it was not for the CopySafe Book Store.

The Copysafe Book Store provides everything that an author needs to sell copy protected PDF online, and that service is completely free and unlimited to all authors who use the Copysafe PDF Protection software. With each PDF security software license, authors receive unlimited use of the Copysafe  DRM portal for managing access rights to ebooks that are integrated with the Copysafe online book store so that all purchases can be automatically added to their account for easy management. Also included is use of the free Book Cover Design tool that is integrated with their DRM account. Authors can upload their own images or select from a library of stock art for backgrounds and subject matter to create original book cover designs from a choice of 6 different layout styles and themes. Each author's images and designs are stored in their private account, and when it comes time to publish the design, the finished image can exported to their book store product page for display and promotion of their copy protected ebook.
To sell protected ebooks online from the Copysafe Book Store, all one needs is to purchase the Copysafe PDF Protection software which is a one-time fee that includes the online bookstore, book designer and DRM management for free for life. There is no limit to how many ebooks can be listed and sold, nor any limit on how many subscribers or groups that can be managed. In fact there are no fees associated with the book store at all. That is right, no commission on sales except for what PayPal might deduct and those transactions are between PayPal and the author.

If  wanting to use an alternative payment gateway to Paypal, you can always sell ebooks from your own web site. New subscribers can be added manually after receiving notice about successful sales which might be preferred by those with low volume sales. However the Copysafe Book Store can also cater for authors who do have their own shopping cart software and provide free support for modifying the success page of that cart to send the new subscriber's details for automated addition in the author's DRM account. In such cases a dedicated page is created in the book store to accept new subscriber details from the author's website only.
CopySafe technology provides the most secure copy protection on the planet and also caters for protection and image protect software.