Considering the lack of support shown by Internet providers and web browser makers, the fate of website copy protection software has been doubtful ever since the beginning. In the beginning the experts considered it impossible while the public asked why would it be necessary? Of course the public only wants unlimited access and the right to plagiarize and pirate whatever they desire. But when ArtistScope proved that it could be done, it not only provided hope for those that needed copy protection for the sake of their livelihood, but it created a brand new industry that entrepreneurs could promote on the stock market and milk naive investors.

When web site copy protection software first became available, it catered for the Internet climate and technology of the time. Websites are viewed in web browsers and Internet users used either Internet Explorer which was shipped with the user's operating system, or Netscape Communicator which many users usually found after wanting a more sophisticated web surfing tool. In those days the Internet was young and the web browsers provided what was necessary to click links and explore web pages. The website copy protection software of that day were secured easily because one didn't have so many options that are available for copy, save and print. In fact it wasn't until new options became available in Internet Explorer for "saving a web page complete with all media" that most copy protection solutions were rendered useless.

Then as all web browser evolved and adopted each the other's features, all sorts of new features and functions for copying , downloading and saving all types of media were incorporated. That made copy protection more difficult because as well as controlling the clipboard and memory allocated to copy, the copy protect software had to also control the web browser by intercepting those actions that could be a problem. Consequently few copy protection solutions could do this and although they tried to follow, only ArtistScope survived as the protection software of choice for websites. But maintaining the integrity of website copy protection is an ongoing challenge as solutions need to be easily updated to keep abreast of the changes in web browsers, and sometimes the most radical changes to Windows versions. However that was not easy because Internet Explorer required ActiveX plugins while Mozilla browsers such as Firefox, Safari and Opera required NPAPI plugins, and the Chrome browser required its own Mozilla plugin because it fell short of most standards.

Today all popular web browsers have since dropped support for real browser plugins, mainly due to following the example lead by Chrome who always had a problem with embedded object support. However now that has actually enhanced the future of website copy protection because it is no longer at the mercy of those who have no respect for copyright or intellectual property. Now there is only one web browser that does support website copy protection software and in fact enhances it because that web browser, known as the ArtisBrowser and developed by ArtistScope, is properly designed from the ground up to protect web content and media.
The fate of website copy protection software and PDF protection software is now secure.
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