Today there is a lot of software available to copy protect PDF documents ranging from simple compression methods that require a password to open them, to military grade encryption used with proprietary PDF readers with and without DRM options to prevent sharing.
Simple password protection may appeal to some but passwords can be easily extracted. So if one's livelihood is at stake, such as when publishing tutorials that cost time and money to produce that you do not want redistributed or shared without remuneration, or trade recipes and financial data for the eyes of upper management only, then only the best PDF security software should be used.
There is no better PDF security software than CopySafe PDF Protection, which unlike all the other PDF protect solutions, is actually safe from all copy and save including the use of PrintScreen and screen capture software. CopySafe PDF will not only copy protect PDF from all copy but when DRM is applied by an author, the PDF document cannot be shared with anyone else because each subscriber account gets locked to the user's computer and validated by unique computer ID. Sure a copy can be sent to 1,000 friends or uploaded to the Internet, but nobody else can open that document unless they also have DRM permission assigned by the document's author.
There is no way that the DRM protection built into CopySafe PDF can be exploited like with so many other DRM solutions, because CopySafe DRM employs call-to-home checks every time a protected PDF is opened. DRM was revolutionized for CopySafe DRM to give authors total control over all aspects, even after the PDF document is saved to a user's computer. It took other copy protection providers years to work out how it works and until they did, they all claimed that it was impossible.
CopySafe PDF's live DRM checks enable authors to extend or revoke access rights, change expiration and move users and documents between groups which is most useful for grade level tuition and courses. Ebooks can be assigned to users by group whereby a user can access all documents belonging to that group. Or individual ebooks can be assigned per individual which is most useful for online sales of lessons and books. When selling from the CopySafe online store, new subscribers are added automatically and an email sent out with the download links and further instructions for use and login to retrieve a list of all ebooks assigned to that user.
Each author gets access to the DRM server to manage an unlimited numbers of users, documents and groups, and also advertise their ebook in the online store. No commission is payable and no fees apply from sales. In fact it only costs a onetime fee of $295 to license CopySafe PDF software with free support and upgrades for life!
Which PDF security software can better all of that?
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